Thanks guys for the responses .Some really great info there. Bruno ,I will read through it now as it looks very interesting.Just got back from...
WoW ,what a beautiful lady .She looks so perfect.Its the massive and yet light structure that make this one look one up.As I am new to see these...
Garry, thats why I prefer my workbench:) .Yes on completion of projects I have been on a few offshore trials ,some rock some dont :D Francois
Thanks AMG .Looks like I will be able to go out there without rolling and getting sick ;) Francois
Hi all.I am at present doing the woodwork on a 80 ft powerboat .The hull is steel and has an alluminium superstructure from deck level to the...
I like that 54 meter.It has the looks of a big sea can do boat ;) with the nicely design bow and the low lines aft.She is stunning in many ways....
Kevin ,thanks thats a tanker hitting some big time weather.Wow those seas looks big.Must have been some 7 hrs of hell.Man this is big wave. I did...
Hi Fred .I am also new here and really their are some great folks here.Lots of knowledge and ready to help. I am a cabinet maker/marine carpenter...
Those are awesome tenders.You guys rock:) Have Fun Francois
Thanks Capt Tom,Lionel and Yachtluver for the welcome and also the admin dudes.Oh man I love superyacht:cool: This is a relly pro site,glad I...
Thanks Loinel.I will try again. Francois
Wow ,I just stumble onto this great site.Some very nice boats there.A little about me.Married and fit out big boat interoir for a living.I do...