Not a good day for Team Bad Co... I feel like a kid with his bike stolen, sick to my stomach. Below are emails from Steve... Pat Healy from Viking...
I just saw some photos of the Bad Company. They hit a whale the other day and destroyed the bow of the boat. Anyone else seen these photos?
Creepin: My post was not to show you how cold the weather was, it was to get you to look at what it looks like at a marina in the winter time....
Go down to Duffy Creek marina in February when the wind is blowing 40 kts out of the NW and stand on the pier for 2 hours and then ask yourself...
I don't doubt your experience or question it. This was not a remark aimed at you. I do work with some who are semi retired and others who are...
Here's the deal with insurance as I see it. It is necessary in this day and age of litigious society. There are too many people out there that...
Obviously you are wrong. I am a freelance captain that employs no one full time. I do hire a mate when doing transports. I saw an opportunity...
I carry the insurance because I am on and off a lot of boats. I own property management company that takes care of several boats. I also run a...
I think it was $5,000.00. I 'd have to look to make sure.
There is insurance out there that is called care custody and control. I have it and it cost about $3500 per year and covers up to $2,000,000.00...