Hey I would really appreciate it Capt J. I have had a fierce passion for most sportfish boats produced in the 1980's since I can remember,...
Not my style at all. Don't like the express-looking yachts too much. I like boats designed more around functionality than uber-Italian style. I...
What a behemoth...
What a shame that the Italians ruined the 54... Dick Bertram would not be proud of this little Italy pasta gondola. They could have brought back...
MY last post is dying an agonizing death... Does anyone know what Hatteras or any other sport fisherman manufacturers do with their old hull molds???
2015 or 2020? Yachts? What if defensive positions like turrets took hold in yacht design among larger yachts ie 30 meters and above?? Crews...
How might the handling characteristics of this cruiser differ from a heavy, full draft trawler with a wider beam when going over those big rollers?
What is the point of AL SALAMAH? Is it a small cruise ship or a yacht? If I was god, my boat would not look like that. Just curious, is his royal...
Yea, that whole zero tolerance sillyness makes my skin crawl. Ironically, some of the most regulated waterways in this country are also some of...
Yea, you're right. The 68 has a 21 foot beam. I think the design of the salon windows which look like a sideways teardrop is repulsive... The 68...
Ok. Maybe I'm wrong. Does anyone have statistics to show that beer bottle caps hurt fish? I will stop my barbaric practice if such statistics exist.
I go out of my way to fish every plastic bag that I see out of the water. I also throw my beer bottle caps into the ocean because they sink to the...
Why don't you put a couple of your best stories in narrative form? I would enjoy reading about this subject. There are some things out there that...
What size Viking is "Liquidity"? It must be either a 61' 64' or 65'... Pretty pictures. You guys certainly chose an exotic locale. The Red Sea...
Would that boat serve well as a trawler w/ modified 1271's?
I asked this question referring to the 1271's in either a 61' or 63' CPMY (Hatteras) with the intent of long range cruising in the...
What has to be done to cruise a pair of 1271's at 1000 RPM's without harming the engines over the long run? I heard that the turbos have to be...
Kiwi and Captain J go at it again. Great fun to watch the captain versus the technician. Our former fish catcher and current harbor queen is a 53'...
I think I know whats going on here...you captains all want to be tough guys. Superstition is best left for the Bahamians and Caribbean folk to...
C'mon!!!! You guys aren't real captains until you've seen some St. Elmo's Fire at the end of your outriggers!!!