Has anybody replaced the lower trucks on the glass sliding cockpit door? Ours sound and feel like they need replacing. I can't see the type of...
Update... We spray painted the screen with Rustoleum Painter's Touch Ultra Cover which touts plastic applications. We used flat black. After...
Thanks for the info. Can Krylon go straight on or does the mesh need prep like a primer?
I've read a few RV forums on this issue. The conventional wisdom is to spray with a thinned out paint. Before drying, blow the mesh with...
Maybe I'll just ship it to your wife. What's her turn-around?
Our black, vinyl windshield screen has become less-black over the years. I was about look up a tradesman to make a replacement when it occurred...
Thanks, I sent them a msg. Double tap will give you the full frame for now. Very quiet. Just a dull hum.
Unit installed!! I just finished installing the Centek GenSep water separator. Because of the space constraints couple with the physics in play,...
The wireless is a pretty good idea. How abut the same technology that cars have. My car has lane departure warning and correction. I hate the...
It cannot be just me that sees the irony in that company name...anybody?
You’re absolutely right. The people at Centek are top notch. They treat the little guy, looking for a solution, the same as the mega yacht...
Will do. Update to the update... the vertical combo separator will not work in our boat as the physics won't allow it. Turns out too.much of the...
Update: I have measured the area and decided (with help from the Centek engineers) to go with the gen-sep vertical combo unit. The sound rating...
I've emailed two lists to you.
Wow, this is an old thread. That was two boats ago. Let me go through my cloud. I come from a long line of sufferers. We rarely throw anything...
I don't have a current photo but the video at this link is a similar set up. The boat in the video is a gasser; mine is diesel. I did get a...
I would have thought that a set up like Boatingnut's would have some kind of impact on the genset exhaust, like back flow issues when the main was...
Ok, I found the owner’s guide here: https://www.carveryachts.com/support/owners-guides/ I owned a 1990 but the latest manual for a 3207 is listed...
You’re really making me think back... I do remember there being a water fill on both sides. I could fill one side really quickly and then do the...
The 1/2" hose was too small so I had to fill the one side very slowly in order for the tanks to equalize. Perhaps the tank you're filling is...