Cap, this was a really clean gas powered 50 that was repowered with twin 6 cylinder mans. What makes this one even more unique was that she was...
Was yours the one with 6 cylinder Mans that was repowered by the people that were building the Columbos? If so, did you buy it within the last...
I don't believe any of those boats that you linked to are "real" Bertrams. I think they're built by a company that was licensed to build them...
Exactly my point. Go sea trial a 60 and I promise, you'll forget the 56.
I've heard this noise while up in St Augustine, I couldn't figure it out at first. Only after my AC stopped working did I realize that the sound...
First one was an enclosed bridge 3412 boat while the second was an open bridge 12v1200 boat which I'm told was the only one ever built with the...
The 56 and the 60 are virtually the same boat with the extra length in the salon and in the cockpit. I've owned two 60's, one with 3412's and the...
Different design philosophies between the builders. Looking back at boats from each on of the builders I can name several things from each of...
It's an 85.
Exactly. Regardless, I was aboard the vessel after it was salvaged, I think what the writer meant was that the engine raw water hoses were cut....
There's a comprehensive article about this story in the Miami Herald, I'm not sure if we're allowed to link?
From the Florida department of financial services website... Sinking of $1.86 Million Yacht 5/10/2012 Contact: Anna Alexopoulos (850)...
I think it's made in China, I've seen it along Collins, something just doesn't look right about it. I think the builder may have gone under as...
That's not a Sunseeker.
Chinese paying Italians who pay Americans to build "American" boats that are styled by Italians. Good luck with that.
Agreed but I always held out hope for a miracle that would get the old plant humming again...
A sad day for the die hard old school Bertram fans down here in Miami. Although the new facility might be better, I think by leaving Miami Bertram...
Small world. The owner of that yacht was in my yard a couple of weeks ago. He used to keep it in Pompano and will be bringing it back to FTL...
Carl, I don't want to smear their name online, if you want the scoop, drop me a PM or give me a call tomorrow.
All well and good if I didn't know one of the sellers you were trying to "buy" a boat from. Regardless, good luck.