Nice. I watched her getting built at Rolly Marine a few years back. Funny part is that when she was nearly done, the owner wanted her a bit...
Engines are in a 1973 24 meter CRN super conero and are v12's.
If you want no headaches and no bull**** then go to Rolly Marine in Ftl and ask for Greg.
A friend of mine has an old CRN motor yacht with a pair of these motors, does anyone know anything about them? Any idea where to get parts from?
Congrats. Make sure the engines service history is up to date otherwise you're going to spend big money bringing them up to date.
Cap, if by "muretic" you mean "muriatic" acid, then I have bad news for you as Muriatic Acid is the common name for hydrochloric acid therefore...
Get rid of this battery equalizer asap. I know of at least two instances where they've gone bad and burned the boats they were in, most recently...
I think that's the company owners Lazzara.
Does this even make sense? Is there a market for tenders like the Carbon Craft at $165k?
I have no idea what happened, I was anchored near the boat then saw what looked to be the boat near me on fire. Turned out that one of the motors...
I was under the impression that this was a phenomenon unique to two cycle diesels, that is till the other day when I watched a 16v2000 run away...
It looks kinda cool IMO, not the ordinary floating $hitbox you normally see on those lakes.
Well said.
58 Bertram.
There have been marinized macks running around for as long as I can remember. The first ones that I remember were built by Merlin and then later...
Never thought about this. I don't feel that any of the inline six Cummins can be described as "smooth" on the other hand there seems to be...
Therein lies the rub, when prices drop the station owners make the most money by dropping their prices as slowly as possible.
I have to check my receipt. Edit: Just checked my receipt, it was $4.689.
FWIW, I had 1000 gallons delivered to me last thursday for $2.96/gallon which IMO is a step in the right direction. What kills me is that just...
Yep, I've had a problem with my avatar since day, it hardly ever appears with my posts. This white box thing is new though.