Unlike my last serie, i actually had beautiful weather this time:D
pitty i can't post fullsize though..
The yellow boat btw is the harbourship
You dont just pull out with a ship like this, tugs are used and the harbour(Rijkswaterstaat) sends a ship to control traffic
An exceptional day! Today i went to Oceanco believing there was the casco for the newest Oceanco, but at my arrival; no casco:( I walked...
any clue whether or not she is fully repaired?
the most noticible detail are at the back of the superstructure; are these exhausts/air-intakes for the turbines?:confused:
Great! Finally a picture of the most secret yacht ever:cool: It looks a bit like the fortuna; any more pictures coming?
Change the name of the thread to "everything that floats":rolleyes:
If you look at the masts Feadship uses youll notice that they are simple and straightforward masts (bit like a flagpole but chromed) and these...
dont forget Cold Steel, SOG, Microtech, Hill Knives eh, better stop here, could go on for pages i'm afraid. :o
i believe you are right; i just checked the Oceanco and Amels site and in most cases its done that way, although visually there seems to be quite...
For (Dutch)fans of this ship; according to aislive she's at de Vries in Aalsmeer at this moment:)
Ais! To my surprise i found a free ais service, which covers an area in front of Hoek van Holland and Rotterdam Harbour:) Apparently the...
Does anyone understand the use of this huge front "pole" by the way? I must confess that i don't; given the huge radarmast i dont quite see why...
probably this week when she returns, th:) ank you
Who builds the Feadship hulls, other then Slob in Papendrecht?
might be a super van craft
thanks guys, feel kinda privileged to live in this area; the Millenium yacht t.w.i.n.e. was build here, at Slob Papendrecht they're building...
I'm glad you like em; given the weather i was surprised to get ANY pictures at all:D