Interesting video. They mentioned the Valdez incident in 1989 as the impetus requiring double hulls. Two of my classmates were in the engine room...
Well, the OP never replied, but apparently we are. Is that Star program similar to the Calhoons Engineering school...not sure if it's even around...
Sea trailed. All parameters the same.
Couldn't confirm that yet. Had some other issues so limped from the yard, back to the marina. Will do this soon.
Olders comments about seeing the world as an engineer are valid. Well, at least on large ships while sailing unlimited HP. You go to sea, spend a...
Props are on, and she is back in the water. Time will tell.
It sounds like you are developing some solid skills, and have a plan. I left the marine world in the 80's so I will let others give current...
Nope, I actually leave that category to another group of folks, and the middle red states. Point being, web forum info can be fairly good, but...
If you click on the picture, the whole photograph will open up showing two props.
Actually, yes I have heard of situations where the licensed person was held to a higher standard in court after an incident. Do I have proof, or a...
Coated with Prop Guard.
Got my Mavic Pro last week. Getting it ready to fly and looking forward to shooting some video. Coastlines, off shore islands, dolphins in open...
The Op will be doing some hard core cruising, so a license may make sense for reasons noted. However, for the typical recreational boater, myself...
Dropped off the props at the shop yesterday for the teflon prop guard application. I will get them in a couple weeks, and on they go at haul out...
My wife and I love the show, and take it for what it is worth..entertainment. It is also fun to see nice boats and the interiors. The crew...
Thanks again for the input everyone. I am headed in to the yard in early April, so I will do the teak shortly after that and I will post some pics.
I have two sets of props. Here is my plan: Coat one pair with PS, and the second pair with PG. This will occur next month when the boat is hauled....
I am looking to apply it to the props only. I have a diver clean the hull and drives every 4 weeks in the summer and every 3 in the summer....
Copy that, but It is not extensive. I have two sets of props. If I apply coatings to both, and swap them every two years, and reapply the coating,...
Captholli, I am unable to open the link titled report. Can you reattach please?