I have seen some listings of this hull and there are no pockets. As others have stated the 45 bert is a stretched napier designed 43. The mag...
I feel that small trim tabs will be more helpful in this situation, so that you could adjust the trim of the boat while keeping the engine at the...
I dont mind if things are a bit quieter, less line at the bar. Main thing I am worried about is price of beers. Last year was $18 for a can of bud...
Quite good access all around the 2 gens are aft of the engines, and there is plenty room around the front of the engines, and ability to reach the...
They have a few 54 berts down here in Trinidad, and the ride and performance over the older detroit boats is night and day. Have done a few trips...
That last video that capt Ralph posted had some interesting comments on the labelling and accessibility of emergency escapes onboard yachts....
Not sure if this was mentioned earlier in the thread, but with regards to a muster drill, or atleast a basic familiarization of the evacuation...
Hi Kev, we have the 465 hp versions in a 2001, 43 Ocean, that we have owned since 2016and so far have been happy with them. The engines are not...
on the 2001 43, there are 3 float type bilge alarm switches, lazarette, ER and fwd bilge, same as what captain ralph posted. these trigger an...
Hi Michael we used to own a 1989 38 ft ocean and from wat i saw the hull was solid fiberglass below the waterline, and the core above. I also...
I would definitely have a thorough survey done, and will be checking the shafts for straightness and alignment of struts etc. saw someone mention...
Saw this on qualified captain instragram page. Not too shabby
Thats correct these emergency generators on large commerical vessels are air cooled. The one in the pic is on a 900 ft LNG carrier. rating is...
Hi All As a ship surveyor I see and test these manual hydraulic or spring starting devices used as back up starting device on emergency...
she is a 1999 60 bert, from the good days of bertram
I see that viking seems to have dropped their Motoryacht lineup as well, atleast according to their website. I quite liked the looks of their 82...
Depending on the budget, the maritimo 60 may be a good option. Sportfish like profile, enclosed bridge with internal stairs, wide side decks with...
Hi captain pascal, definitely agree about the night time visibility. That was a challenge as the forward part of the helm just below the...
looking good. really shows the amount of prep and taping etc that goes into painting. probably as much man hours as the actual painting.
Unfortunately no fishing this run. Most of our slow speed running was at night, then we hauled ass in the day.