He was captain of Tribal Attraction, he jumped in to save the tender which had broken loose....
The "Unknown yacht" is a Marlow 78, maybe Rocaway.
You are correct, so why don't you post the next question. I don't know what happened to Hong Kong.
Join one of those Time Share Yacht Clubs. Then you just show up at a location and drive the boat away and bring it back dirty and walk away.
I would say one heck of a deal if you read what he paid:...
It's over three years old
They run an ebay store under the user name "marine_sales"
Found one: [img]
Cedar Sea II
That's her, your turn.
Fife is correct, but not the correct name...
Name This Yacht Great to see Eilean being restored to such a high standard, I look forward to seeing her next year. Maybe Simon will want to go...
Try here: http://www.rinspeed.com/
Here is some actual video of the ship: http://www.efootage.com/play_clip.php?clip_id=26153
That is a sad reallity of the world we live in. I am wondering that if they said they were hijacked if they still had the money in their...
She is Samar, 77m built by Devonport Yachts in GB. http://www.devonportyachts.com/
It looks like the trim tabs are mounted on a block made of two pieces of wood covered with fiberglass.
Groupama Some reacord breaking shots of Groupama 3: http://www.yachtingworld.com/yw/blog/20070625133325blog_elaine_bunting.html
There is no proof that Nuclear Power has contributed to global warming.