a few more...in no particular order......thank god there is no rot behind the trim!
window treatment Ok....another long day at work then another long evening with the sander......lol....at least i got rid of those ugly window...
home set up BTW, Fellas......i never did post a pic of the Roamer after i got it set up at home, so here's one...how do y'all like the flight of...
thanks for the pat on the back, Homer....quit?...i don't know what that word means...never heard it.....LOL:D
Well, it's been a productive day......this is stress relief.......
Seeing as how the weather here in South Carolina is SUPPOSED to be warm...Mother Nature has thrown me a few curve-balls...the wind has destroyed...
i'm in.....
thanks for the vote of confidence.....it's a lot of work, but i hope it looks as good maybe as some of the ones here on the forum......this is...
well, i'm into nostalgia, so as far as the interior, it will be disassemble, sand, re varnish and reassemble, of course, with new upholstry, and...
here is what we started with......
ok, well, as you all may have read, i moved the roamer 300 miles from south Ga. to Upstate South Carolina...that was a chore...then the 2 weeks of...
my 2 cents OK, Guys...just thought i'd throw my 2 cents in here......as a CAT specialist, an ASE certified Diesel technician, and a General...
great work! Now THAT'S how it's done RIGHT!!!! great work!
ok....i'm looking for a free turning set of MCL's or maybe a set of smallblocks....283...327.....don't mind rebuilding.....anyone got any????
Pink????? Naah, my wife prefers black....but i won't paint the boat black, either!!!....She gets a lot of the Mary-Kay humor.....lol.....part of...
WOW! are you sure you want to undertake a project like this?????maybe the hull isn't as bad as it looks in the pics, but WOW!!!...i...
ok, so now that i've gotten her home...found the hull ID # ROX-35-111 any history????:confused: Tim
check out the thread "moving my 35' roamer myself.....believe me, my F-350 dually really struggled with mine......these are HEAVY boats........Tim
thank you thank you, everyone for all the good advice and well-wishing....i could not have done it without my good friend, Lee and my...
some pics of the orig owner when "Dowager" was the "Christie II"....Thank you, Eric...i will try to have the hull # for you in a few days....i'm...