Two of the best posts I've seen Yachtforums! You're right on admiralty 58. I've had a couple of the same issues myself and I completely agree with...
Hi lady choice, You might say we're in the same boat. I'm about to commission a new build too, but in the 43-45m range. Heesen was at the...
Good suggestions gentlemen. I've given this a lot of thought and the entire process has become intriguing. I've built a business and a couple of...
Thank you AMG. I was informed this was a relatively young yard, but as noted, their facility is very clean and they appear to be well organized....
I have just recently learned about Bloemsma & Van Breenan through a broker. I'm considering a new build and I've looked at their website. What can...
Thanks Carl. I'm looking into the Ecospeed coating now. According to their website they offer a ten year guarantee against osmosis...
It's time to pull! Are there any new bottom paint products or suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Terrific review on Liquidity. Enjoyable read, great pictures. Keep up the good work!
It sure was, but he was rarely aboard. Maybe Wayne will use it more often. I remember being astonished at the size of Aussie Rules when it was...
Boatings worst nightmare. Hope insurance covers this. Sometimes I wish we didn`t have an aluminum hulled boat, until I see this kind of damage. I...
Carl, Although I'd rather see reviews on the boats I'm in the market to buy, such as the new Westport, I too would like to see a review on AIR....
What's the story with Bart Roberts?
Carl, I'd like to see a YachtForums review on Triton too. I've always liked Delta. I especially like this new expedition. Maybe one day we'll move up.
Contact Pipe Welders in Ft. Lauderdale. They work with a few outrigger suppliers and can point you in the right direction. They've probably...
Hey PSDO! Long time, no post! Good to hear from you. Will seriously look forward to your coverage of the event. Enjoy your trip! :)
I know what it is! We cruised by her Saturday. Aussome boat! ;)
That new Hatteras is gorgeous. I want it! I wonder if they have any show discounts for previous Hatteras owners?
I may be interested in this Broward if it's well kept and reasonably priced. What's the listing price and where can it be seen?
The same goes here. I was wondering what happened. I'm glad the site is working again.
Thats you Carl? Holy smokes... your amazing with that thing. I have met some guys that have tried those things and gave up after a year. They...