Vintage Feadship anchor locker It is indeed my Feadship anchor locker. The ultrasonics reveal some plate thinness so I told the yard to cut...
Gardner engines This is what I found after I discovered my deck was leaking..
Gardner engines Hi again! You don't say why you need to save 32" but I assume its either to create more space for other equipment or to...
Steel boat Hi, it sounds like you got lucky there. I have two 6LXB Gardners in my steel 62ft Van Lent built 1961. When I found her she had two...
Tiky Thanks...BTW the prize was a bottle of rum and it would take at least a couple to lay me as low as I was.... From one day tothe next, an...
TIKY ex ALTO VOLANTE Some interior shots
Tiky feadship Pilothouse The PH in build
Tiky feadship Pilothouse Some pics of the new Pilothouse . this one without aft ring frame . Handrail has since been shortened .s/s Handrail...
TIKY ex ALTO VOLANTE. Apologies for a very belated reply...we did in fact build the PH in a combination of materials...marine grade plywood for...
Feadship TIKY ex Alto Volante Hiya Tiky (we changed her name back to her original name) is still in the UK, although I'm NE Italy (Venice...
Flame restoration Hi David I know of Flame and She is a very interesting boat - in fact, at one time I considered buying her but I am based...
Malahne was owned for over 20 years by Legendary Hollywood producer, Sam Spiegel (African Queen, On the Waterfront, Bridge on the River Quai and...