Berth My choice for a permanent berth (actually my wife's ) is Beaulieu but they never come up for rent and I don't want to buy so the plan is to...
Rebuild vintage Feadship Tiky With her nose job
Rebuild vintage feadship Tiky View aft from the PH
Tiky Pilothouse aft screen and doors Aft doors fitted. The doors are removable and windows open close electrically and and drop down and...
Rebuild vintage Feadship TIKY (ex Alto Volante) Now out on the hard - hope to launch in a couple weeks. Bell and windlass plate etc fitted
Tiky PH in build
Tiky And the bow
Tiky And of the deck
Tiky Hull pre filling fairing painting
Tiky And this is my original drawing
Tiky Then, in the 1980s she had a very boxy PH added. The decision as to whether or not to keep it was made for me when it turned out to be...
Tiky - Originally, ie as launched she didn't have a PH ...
1962 62ft Feadship TIKY paint Thank you. Here is an another view
Front view Front view of TIKY on hard after painting
Awlgrip or alexseal or DuPont paint I was about to paint my vintage 1962 62ft Feadship "Tiky" ex Alto Volante, with Awlgrip when I was warned...
Tiky - feadship And another view
TIKY restoration of a vintage 62ft FEADSHIP Here are some photos of Tiky, painted and now on the hard at Foxs. Still a way to go before she...
Coelan on vintage Feadship motoryacht Tiky Hi there I have always used traditional oil based varnishes on my previous yacht's brightwork and...
Varnish caprails on vintage Feadship TIKY ex Alto Volante Here is TIKY with the caprails coated with Coelan
TIKY vintage Feadship restoration - brightwork (varnished teak) maintenance BTW - although we have used Epiphanes traditional oil based varnish...