Hi Garry, cold you provide any more info on this yacht?:) I saw a TV show about post No.3, I believe that the story was if the Dolphin did...
Well put,I agree! This yacht has been discussed here...
Thanks Bernd. :)
I read that 18 or 24 months was the time frame imposed for the yacht. Can someone tell me if that was from design to delivery, or just for the...
Here is a few more links with a few closer pictures........ http://www.oilpubs.com/oso/article.asp?v1=261...
Hello, came accross this new (to me) bow shape when mindlessly following links. I thought it intersting enought to share here, especialy because...
Ok, thanks nano. :)
Thanks Nano-J. This "spongy" material you speak of, is it like metal hydride? I've read online that this substance soaks up hydrogen....
Hi Nano-J, could you explain what you meant when you said that there's a "better way to use Hydrogen rather than compressing the gas"?
Can I just add that I think this thread should have been titled "Hurricane Wilma. Yaba Daba Doo". ;)
ahhh, a rapid drop in atmospheric presure. :eek: :eek: Thanks. :)
Sorry Dave, but whats "881mb"?
Very interesting boat you are making there Lars. Can you share any more info on it? Propolsion, layout, etc?
Well? I'm on the edge of my seat here, what's the failing????? :eek: Nice pics BTW. :)
:o :o Small correction, I think you'll find it's the Kiwi's who are experts in the jet-pump field, and are making this yacht. :o :o :)...
I got the same problem, so I saved it a viewed it from HDD. No problmes. ;)
I've read that insurance agencies won't cover you if you head into some of the more dangerous areas. On the subject of carrying your own...
Interesting. Thank you Lars. :) I love finding out how things work.
So, now you all know why I don't design yachts. :o ;) :)
Slightly off topic post... After watching the SWATH video I was wondering about Princess Marina's beak hull, I was thinking that perhaps the...