Not sure if Y702 needs it's own thread or not....... I noticed a few interesting things on the plans provided, first being the functionality of...
Thanks Jon. Still having problems here, I'll see what I can do.
Is anyone else having trouble with Webshots? They appear to have changed their layout, and now I can't get to the albums of the best yacht...
Yes thats them, thanks for the list AMG, very inconsiderate of ************ to close right now.;) Personaly I'd have to choose from Pelorus,...
I can see what your getting at, and I agree, she is a bit cluttered. I do like that she looks kind of 'sporty, explorer'. With reguards to the...
With the talk recently about the difficulties of designing nice looking nice looking mega/gigayachts, I thought it might be interesting to hear...
How about this yacht.....
Thanks Rene, these yachts have some intersting features. The largest two of the Ranger series shows a variation of the Octopus large tender...
This link came into my in box recently, I thought it would be apropriate to post here. Christmas lights Links directly to video, about 9...
The more I read about the Sandwitch Plate System (SPS) system, the more impressed I become. This report from the Lloyd's website has some...
I've been doing a little bit of reading about different hull materials lately, and have come across some interesting info. The first is from a...
Ah, I see, thanks.;)
I can't find any info on the Feadship site......little help please?:o
:D :D :D
Would it be possible to have an ice classed yacht built out of aluminium? Perheaps a 1B to 1A class on the scale above. The Ol' grey matter...
:D :D Well put Stan.
Phew thanks Jon, I wasn't sure anyone would read the lot, and if they did, understand any of it. I just typed away as it came out, but I'm sure...
Now you've done it...... I'll take... "1. If money were no object, what yacht would you most like to have?" for $300mil please......
Lars, does that sight calculate "as the crow flies" or does it go around the land masses? Btw, you'll have to speak up, I've just found out how...
I'm thinking shaped charge, rocket sled, and tonnes of vasaline. I'd have it out in a jiffy. :)