Hmmm, yes I think you've got me there, cube for cube they win hands down. Because of the way the rotary works it's a little more difficult to...
No problem Codger.:) That Monel does look interesting, unfortunatly I don't think anyone has used it for a hull before. I was thinking it...
Hello, I've got an interesting engine for you all to have a look at. It is, as the title says, a 42 Cylinder, radial, aluminum, marine engine,...
Interesting idea Brian. Rotary engines can produce high power figures for their size (and also tend to be very smooth running), but as you have...
Hi Codger, here is an extract from a link I posted earlier, refering specificaly to titanium and yachts. "Titanium With very high strength,...
Intersting sail and mast setup. Look forward to seeing her full rigged. What are all the wires for?
I posted this in the Wally thread, then thought it interesting enough to put here for the non-Wally fans.... Wally has recently posted news...
Wally has recently posted news reporting that they have tank tested their 55m Wallypower design. Confirming their calculations. From Wally.......
After going out on a limb with the last question, I thought I'd add another that suggests using air compressing technology on non-compressing...
Thanks for all that Carl, interesting reading.:) Now that Carl has shared all his top secret knowledge, I might see if I can get myself a high...
Thanks for the pic, looks windy and cold there!!
This link provides the best explination yet of what the different weight types mean when comparing Megayachts. It's a couple of pages, but easy...
Just saw a very fun looking seaplane on a travel show, the call it a Float Trike, I don't know if thats it's real name, but it's basicly an...
I've found a site that has a pretty good go at explaining the different weight systems. I found it fairly usefull, but it is worded for the...
About Ecstasea.... "At the heart of Ecstaseas awesome propulsion package are four MTU 16 V4000 M70 engines, two per side. Each pair of diesels...
Thanks for that cyd. I suppose that RS's large engine room would be a drawback in that case. When calculating GRT I wonder what they'd class...
I was wondering if someone could explain to me the different weight measurement methods used, and how they compare to each other. For example,...
Slight off topic post... Alas, I only have 28k'ish actual upload speed, so, 28k into 700 meg...... The actual footage of Octopus isn't that...
As far as the show goes, Octopus could have been just another exploration vessel. They don't mention that she's a yacht, there aren't even thanks...
Thanks SimonB. I followed the link on the bottom of one of your pics and came accross a whole heap more pics of the new Wally 70.2 Open....