Doubt you’ll be able to get accurate drawings... You may find some of the random parts for a Carver of that vintage at Kendor Marine up in...
He also installed a 5lb drawer catch so that it doesn't slide out when under way.
We removed the built in coffee maker and had a drawer/tray made in its place. It allows you to use whatever coffee maker you want (we've since...
Was hoping to go under her again on the way to the North Channel this summer... unfortunately the pandemic and border closures may postpone that...
Agreed with above... I've run a few of them (various GT's as well as a 44 Swift Trawler). While you get kind of a lot of boat for your $$, I was...
Given some of the issues early pod designs had with corrosion etc, I asked about this as well. Apparently hasn't been an issue with the corrosion...
"My" engineer (that takes care of our boat on the side) is a Mercury factory guy who keeps a lot of their prototype stuff running as they test...
We had a similar issue a few years back. Ours was due to a poor weld on the bottom seam. They had to cut an access in our teak and holly...
One of the places that our boat spends time in the summer is an older private marina with dockside water that is fed by a well. The water is...
Congrats on the boat! No affiliation, but I came across this guy on another forum and was happy with the drawings he did of our boat......
Your budget would also be helpful for anyone to provide relevant advice. max
Good looking girl underway Pascal! What tender do you have on the aft bridge deck? I thought you guys were carrying the little sail boat......
and effectively call for help on the VHF
I generally spend a couple weeks per year on a friend's boat out of Seattle cruising everywhere from Olympia, The San Juans, Vancouver to...
From what I've seen, there really isn't much of a difference in the PNW. I think what really leads to any FL boat discount vs fresh water is...
Fresh... Ran 2 ways in the ship canal in Sturgeon Bay WI
Air temp was around 72 and sea temp 75ish.
The air filters were cleaned maybe 20hrs ago and fuel have maybe 400 gals run through them as they were done last fall and we didn't splash the...
I took on fuel and ran the boat on Sunday. In less than 1' waves, we made 2315 rpm and 2297 in the other direction with 2 people on board, full...
They are C12 715 hp per side. I’ve only run the boat a few hours with the new props and the burn rate seemed about the same as before, burning...