I wonder if Eclipse will add a "d" to the end of her name when a larger launch takes her first place standing?!
didn't catch that.
Amen Brother! If you want something enough and are commited to attaining it, dont let anyone or anything discourage you.
Thanks for the tip MK. I enjoyed viewing the photos on that site. I also agree that the multiple SAT domes are a real design killer!
The beauty in my head.
Nice shot. I recently learned that there is an Al Mirqab III. A Mangusta 165. Quite a nice fleet.
Thanks for posting the images! I got distracted and forgot to post the link to to the Westport site on my last post. I am posting it now as it...
Seems we are on seperate pages Ron. I see the framework you are talking about and agree it must be for removable awnings. Thanks for drawing my...
The latest Westport 164 harmony is sporting newly designed fashion plates. The Westport site does not reflect this change. Perhaps Harmony is a...
Cant wait to see more photos of this beauty!
What a life; The Carribean this week, the Med the next!
Very nice photos! Delta builds very nice looking, ordered yachts IMO.
Thanks for the additional photos. I am able to see much better now. The forward tender storage is interesting. Are they using the space in the...
I too was unable to access the site.
The photograhs show Big Zip in the water (while still being finished) and Mi Sueno in the travel lift.
Thanks for the Pics. She does appear to be a beauty. I find the hull to be one of my favorites afloat. The photos are abit dark and hard to...
I have seen photos of her in the water, although she is still being finished.
Cant wait to see a pic od Titan. Eminence is one beautiful yacht IMO.
As well as 142 foot Big Zip.
Nice work. I agree that the hull looks much better without the half moon. I do not understand what the reason is for that. I agree that...