Hi, Many things can happen, if there are metal particles in HP fuel pump... And there are so many reasons, how those pieces can get in......
Hi, K1W1, Regarding ever decreasing warranty... What colours are we talking about ? :D Is it mostly brownish-yellow, sometimes white ?...
Hi, K1W1, how did You like SMM 06 ? I think, that was the biggest one. I spent 4 days there and looks like not enough... Main thing -...
Hi, Check out stamped labels on el. motors. You can make 2-speed version if there is Delta / Star option. But I did not understand Your...
Hi, Personal experience: 1. Voice activated devices - :confused: , terrible. Getting "voice activated" in most "needclearanswer" situations....
Hi, Unfortunately, I will miss Monaco. :( But Hamburg is already confirmed.:D . I will arrive 25th evening. K1W1, Lucky You... Rgds,...
Hi, Suspicious. All this can be very serious / safety compromising. 1. Check out drwgs carefully. 2. Compare both attachments of stocks...
Hi again, Aquaventure, any "happy end"s ? "We" are waiting impatiently... Rgds, Andrei
Hi, Check out with your Classification Society. Have a look at Germanischer Lloyd links as a sample: www.gl-group.com...
Hi all, BRAVADO is in Genoa right now, and next to her... INSIGNIA, JANIE, MAYAN QUEEN, AXIOMA ... Sorry for a not so good quality....
Hi, Only 120 hrs ???!!! CATs, indeed... 1. Check out for cracks / leakages in air cooler after turbo. 2. If a turbo case is cooled by...
Hi, K1W1, I agree : "The simplest and most reliable was a holding tank and submersible pump, not treatment or electronics other than hi...
Hi, Up till now, my favorite is WARTSILA NSD., R32, V32, R46, L64... I worked, repaired, overhauled, rebuilt engines from 15 kW - 12500 kW....
Hi, 1. 2100 rpm. True / false value ? Sometimes indicators show not correct values. Make it sure with independent measuring device....
Hi, Yep, so simple as it is. You are right. Radial / Axial + allowed tolerances for RPM, dia., couplings, etc. (Can be found on i-net, look at...
Hi, guys Just to remind You about couple of events in September: 1. SMM in Hamburg. http://www.hamburg-messe.de/smm/smm_en/start_main.php...
Hi, Prices are different. But always, everywhere negotiable. This concerns steel repairs / new build. It is still possible to find 2.5...
Hi, Looks like, there is a nice by-pass / defrosting / equil. line. 1. Coil is energized or not ? 2. What is the line's temperature after...
Hi, Now "we" got somewhere. I base on Your temp readings. (Petty, that Your units are not provided with pressure gauges). According to...
Hi again, Now You have many questions to be answered... All questions are correct. "We" will wait for Your info. Just 3 short stories:...