Hi, Guys, I'm quite busy at this moment (2 commercial ships are in dry-dock within last 3 weeks), but today/tomorrow I will make and post some...
Hi, COMSHIP, By the way, "we" are trying to help You... ok. 1. If Your contract really includes engines whithout fine remote speed...
Hi, Is it about the same issue, mentioned in the topic "electronics protection" ? If yes, then please attend a post from that topic....
:confused: Hi, COMSHIP, a couple of questions: You mentioned: "two generators will not work in paralell". And then: "distribute the load when...
Hi, COMSHIP, Could You be so kind, as to give some more light on a problem ? What exactly happens, when You: 1. Switch 2 generators into...
:eek: Hi, Paint removal - depends on area. In case of a lot sq.m(ft) grit blasting is the best solution, but certain (ecological)...
Hi, Have a look at: www.dieselenginetrader.com Or ask some manufacturer directly, Best regards, Andrei
Hi Nilo, CPP is a good, simple and reliable solution for propulsion. Innomare already mentioned all "+" points. Time goes on, and now...
Hi, 1. 2-3 month is a really long interval for such small quantity of water. If it was not properly treated before (during) bunkering,...
Ooops... :eek: K1W1, thanks for Your post ! Well, I am not in megayacht industry ...yet (;) ), however it's good to be warned, that...
Really scrap ??? Hi, Have a look at: www.dieselenginetrader.com A lot of scrap, not so scrap, "may be lucky" scrap, overhauled scrap ......
Hi, She was, is now, and will be my favourite yacht... And besides,... I love WARTSILA engines !!! WARTSILA rulezzzz !!! rgds, Andrei
Hi, Straight question - straight answer... 100 % load WILL harm Your engines. But... What is meant by "100 %" ? A lever on the...
Hi, everyone. Well, our boat show is not so big as FLIBS, Miami, Monaco, Amsterdam ...:rolleyes: However, last weekend was smth special....
Hi, It happens. :cool: 1. Check the camshaft's cams surfaces. Very important. 2. Cyl. block's geometry has to be checked. I hope, it's ok....
Hi, 1. 1600 rhrs is almost nothing. Do minor overhaul. 2. Turbo can be rebuilt if casing / diffusor / shaft / wheels are not damaged /...
+1 Ok, ok,... This post is just for "+ 1", :D rgds, Andrei
Hi, again. Looks like, "we" forgot to to ask NEWBEE a couple of questions...:eek: 1. Is there any lub oil consumption ? Do You have to add...
Hi, If rhrs are true (3500 / 1600), then go for dismantling / only checking first. If You have trustable workshop, ask them to dismantle and...
Hi, Newbee, just few questions / suggestions: 1. Do You want her to be faster ? Very doubtful... Especially, if calculations of...