I will be there in full force with my camera. Will try upload the photos in the evening.
Sorry wont make it. I am only arriving on the 28th at 19:30. Thanks for the invite, will stop by on the 29th to say Hi
Hi Carl Will give you a call when i am there so that we can have a beer or 2.
Hi Carl and all YF members Just wanted to know if there is going to be a meeting point for FLIBS 2010. When? Where? Time? ...
You should also try OrPine Bilge Cleaner. It has a nice pine smell to it. I use it all the time.
Your boat look really good now TK. All white is sometime to much.
There is an article in the Dockwalk online. But the story they are telling is a bit different from what actually happened so i was told.
I got a call this morning from a friend in France informing me of an accident that happened in Monaco. A crew member of S/Y Burrasca has died in a...
Hi Markus I have heard of them but i dont know anybody that has done courses with them. For a safer bet use Mallorca Sea School....
A few more
a few more
Hi All just a few photos.
From what i understand they have laid off 20 or so people in Mallorca. Mallorca is full of 2nd hand Drettman boats as this is their base. There...
Hi In Tunisia there is Port Yasmine. We spent a week there and there are a few 50 meters that go there for fuel and duty free items. the Harbor...
Thanks for the photos Pudd
When we left with a 84 foot from the Netherlands we went via Guernsey to do the new registration after that we headed straight down to Gib. Just...
Great review Carl. Moonen did a great job, Well Done Moonen Crew
Thanks Marmot for the advise but unfortunately the black water tanks are not in the bilge. That would have been an option but the tanks are to high.
Hi I would like some info on water softeners and i have seen several different models. Wetspot is the known one. The other one i looked at is...
I am sitting now with the exact problem. The only difference the boat was new when it all started. The shipyard had 4 people fly out to have a...