That is exactly why when I retire I will be there, the further towards the equator the better.
These are from Beacon Marina in Solomons, Md, my buddy sent me these from Florida. A good friend of his has his boat there but was lucky enough...
I'd add one more for the 3208s. Keep your eye on the water pump impellers, I have replace the starboard twice in the last 4 years and the port...
Glad I was in Tampa for those, didn't mind missing them nor the work to clear the snow.
They had one on route 4 here in Maryland between Annapolis and Deale but now have added several more on that route. They also are putting some in...
Sorry I was looking for the Yachtforums but instead found Entertainment Tonight or Extra.
What does this have to do with boating, Carl this is what I meant in my email.
Great choice, my reasons were different but agree with your conclusions.
Well said.
I know 2 people that own th Hat 58 and love them, I have been on them and think they are great boats. Well built and details are excellent, I've...
Lock it and forget about it. Vindictiveness like that should not be allowed since it is giving YF a negative image and inviting people we don't...
Beautiful is all I can say.
More people should have that attitude and respect for others. Too many me people in the world today.
Good luck and post the pictures.
I agree with you, don't like the interior or the hull design. Give me the old classic anyday.
Still in Saint Lucia or have you moved on? What is your current status, still motoring, made it to home port, or in still in Saint Lucia?
Shipwright Harbor?
That had to feel good finally getting to run her and enjoy your hard work, I know you still have a long way to go but there had to be a lot of...