I thought it was beautiful with the old video, but all I can say is WOW to the upgrades. She is magnificent! I look at her and my live aboard...
I found this information on boat-test about the burn rate for a 65 with the 800 hps Man engines:[ATTACH]
Olderboater, thanks for the link to look at the boat. I didn't like that you can't make it full screen so I found this link where you can:...
I don't like the idea of burning a lot of fuel and going nowhere. If it were me I'd have put the Man 1000'x as Olderboater mentioned.
This Fleming 65 has Cummins QS9 engines with a rating of 410 horsepower each versus the normal Man R6-800 CRM with 800 horsepower each. That is a...
I watched a video today of someone consider a Carver 570 as a boat to do the loop. While the measurements and draft make the ideal for the loop,...
I love the Vicem line, I have to agree with you on them being nice.
Mine is the Hatteras 58 Yachtfish. I love the cockpit and layout on these, while I have owned 4 boats I have never own one of these. I have been...
I worked in SOCOM for 15 months as a consultant, they have numerous projects like this on going.
I have been watching videos of super yachts on Youtube and have to admit to being partial to the Christensen models. I know nothing about them...
I agree with you. With that being said I did just agree with a guy who asked me if a Carver 570 Voyager Pilothouse that it was a good boat for...
Thank you, a very informative thread on lack of support for these engines in the US.
SAIC Fiat and Neveco manufacture the engines in China, I saw a Roamer advertised with Iveco/Fiat Cursor 770s. I don't know anything about these...
I'd expand the length to 58' and look at the Hatteras Yachtfish, they have the cockpit and multiple heads you'd like.
Gulfer and Olderboater; reading your posts should be a must for new boaters looking to hire a crew. If I ever find a boat I like and need a crew...
I know the value of a good crew from being in IT during my career. If you wanted top of the line software engineers you paid the price and...
If I ever need a crew I am contacting you for advice.
I'm really sorry I ever asked a question. It has turned into nitpicking, bickering, and I think argument for argument's sake.
I was looking at boats online this morning and saw one with C7 engines so I looked up reviews of it. I found 2 good ones but the rest were...
I did not mean to upset anyone, I added LOL so people would see I was joking. I am from Lebanon County in PA, Lebanon and Lancaster counties are...