Backup for sale, Another I don't have the money but I would love to buy it........
Sale pending
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] 1996 48 ocean swim platform Factory made. Awl grip light blue Pull out under mount 4 step ladder and 4 mounting...
Not to get off topic, myself and a friend here on this forum did the salt water service on his 50 post with MANS I liked the simplicity of the...
Mapism that is correct the housing is aluminium and the core has a mixture. the corrosion is the issue in salt water maybe due to thin...
I have a pair of 2008 C12 With similar hours no major issues just a few annoying oil leaks and antifreeze leaks. The after cooler cores are the...
1996 48 ocean, marquit 1000lb on bow, 110volt power cable and boom, manual rotation. They run around 25k these days. Placement is key for getting...
Cold start is when most engine wear occurs, then a warmer engine temp would wear less. That's my opinion , my block heaters on always on and...
[ATTACH] Beacon point shelton for winter, caswell cove in houstatonic river for the summer [IMG]
I also see you are in Connecticut so am I, Where are you located?
My 96 sportfish fresh water pump is under the galley floor, it's a 120 volt well pump.
Pull it up onto a piece of 3/4 plywood across the stringers then use some small wooden dowls underneath the genny to roll it back.
Ok thanks I will look I to that before I open or remove what I have. Do you have the fiberglass tank shaped like a V under the forward berth?
1996 48 forward holding tank under queen bed. The 3 indicator lights for the tank level don't work correctly. The only one that's ever lit up is...
If you put water in pump out fitting and it comes out of the vent then your tank is full. If the tank is not full you should be able to hear the...
I had the same vike as you. In the port head there was a hatch in front of shower basically right on top of tank. Vent and pump out can be...
I have one similar that I also bought on Amazon, works great, glass door so you can see inside and a blue led light which you can turn on or off...
I like the c 32 with the fresh water/antifreeze cooled after cooler.
Main ac problems in the Marine environment is Is the raw water cooling system blockages or bad water Circulating pumps. They cause the...