OB, you should have put together an entity to bid on this. Sounds right up your ally! One of the issues with PE firms is they stretch their...
All true, but the tag line of the forum is "We know Big Boats" ( even if mine is barely mid size) ! BTW I think hat 4349 was just referring to...
Looks like your both contaminated and low on charge. Best to put a set of gauges on to verify. You might have a leak which a good tech can locate...
True, the parts margin can be 50-200% higher than the base product at the factory level and keeps the dealers happy as well. That said, poor...
Yes, agreed. Although it does make me wonder to what degree Brunswick foresaw the decline in I/O’s as they were the answer for the power head...
Given the sales numbers IPS is certainly a success to date as far as VP is concerned, although this is without looking into their...
Agreed. It would be like HP building bad printers to sell cartridges. A business school case study would be worth the read. Pure conjecture but it...
True dat. But they did manage to make some pretty good boats. In the end there is more margin and a more controllable overall business process...
I like this young member designation. Carl needs to add this to the "member designations"! Those SeaDrives look like the Envinrude on my...
I think it's safer to stipulate that Pod's have improved and that really means IPS these days. Data would help but it seems the trend is better...
Diesel or really any high torque/HP gas motor transferring power through a relatively conventional lower unit form factor is a challenge. Heck,...
We've had the pleasure of three Huckins on our dock since 2010. Pretty amazing boats and these were all in fine shape, beautiful specimens. Heck I...
They seem to be following both good engineering and marketing protocols. Start normally aspirated, obtain technical learning on the engines and...
Using Captn J's numbers from earlier a 450 HP is 690 lbs...... so 3-450 hp (1350HP) = 2070 lbs 2-600hp (1200hp)= 2510 lbs or 4-450HP (1800 HP)=...
That's very good product development and positioning. Same price for the same horsepower and one less engine and its associated drag, reliability...
Wonder what the price difference is versus 2x 300HP's?
I had a stencil made and spray painted on the side of the engine bed /stringer. I guess one could glass over to make more "permanent".
That is great news, congratulations! It is especially great SR is stepping up to extend warranties. I've found Sr support to be good even on older...
As info, when we purchased in 2019 we had that A1 service plus a bunch of other things performed on the MAN's. The PO could not provide a record...
I would agree that the root cause is along this line of thinking. Dealing with heat exchangers in another industry for over 25 years I would...