Well considering they just dredged it via a $2.3m job, it should be a bit easier to make in through unscathed than in the past...
I hear ya - I'll be down tomorrow so maybe we'll see you on the water!
Agreed - I couldn't find much else about it, so I thought the folks here at YF may have some insight. Like with aviation accidents, you can...
Mother/Daughter Crew? Where was Ray? JUST KIDDING!!! I'm sure you all know this inlet and it's stories well. Too beautiful a boat for this to...
It's a beautiful boat IR. Do you get out and run it in the gulf a bit or are you more of a cocktail cruiser around Port Royal? Our family has a...
Good recommendation on the Cat 3126 - i've heard a few sagas about this set of engines as well. The Cummins are the best option, although you may...
I would think that they could ship it over land, but there are probably some boats that are closer to your location. The 400's came in both...
Oh, and stay away from that older Azimut!
Welcome to YF! I would disagree that all boats are "Chevys"... The difference in quality between Carver (Chevy) and Sea Ray (Caddy) are...
Dave, Our family pulled our Sea Ray Sedan Bridge for the season a couple weeks ago, but I know of a friend with a 40' Luhrs and another friend...
Break out the Chamois!
Saw this yesterday - pretty crazy when you see the wooden ladder ripped out and flung over the stern after rebounding off that guy's head! Good...
Have to say I agree with Capt J, it is pretty bad. With that said, however, I have really enjoyed many of the trinity interiors - Destination Fox...
spliethoff is pulling up to the docks to uload a few vessels. I think I spot another Ferretti - possible the 88. Check Port Everglades webcam...
We have a Sea Ray Sedan Bridge in the family with lights mounted on the bottom of the hull facing downward. While they illuminate in clear water,...
Correct, the old Cocktails (owned by the same couple) was an 85' Hargrave. You may remember it ran aground In Woods Hole, MA (aka Martha's...
Not sure about on a Hatt or a Bertram, but remembered reading about this Jarrett Bay 55' that was retrofitted. Hope this helps: Mezzanine...
CaptJ, I agree with you on the wood floor, however, there are a couple of different manufacturers which make lightweight, sturdy flooring via...
Check out the Achilles LSR models. They have a roll-up aluminum floor which is a nice feature. Like I mentioned before, it's nice to have the...
Interesting... I wouldn't buy 'em but I can show you a couple of thousand people that would here in Florida. :D They would fit right in with the...