Scallywag, I'm no welder but there is NO penetration in the tube in the last pictures you posted. Peter
Greetings, I have to agree with Shazam. Muriatic acid IS hydrochloric acid. You can't buy glacial (concentrated) acetic acid commonly but any...
Hiya, The shark in Jaws obviously escaped from the movie "Deep Blue Sea" where the sharks were genetically modified and became super...
Morning all, Thanks very much K1W1 for that CO2 fire extinguisher tip for stopping a run-away. Peter
Don't slam the salon door.....Sorry I couldn't resist....I'll shut up now.
Good Morning, My $03. Since you mention the option of fresh or salt water I will assume you have a method of moving the vessel (If not, then...
Good afternoon, I can't think, for the life of me, that a reputable builder like Cabo would design and sell a boat with a built in vibration....
Good afternoon, Hmmm....Tinkering with the wife? And I thought this was a "G" rated website. Yup, buy a boat that works.
Good evening everyone, As I peruse the genteel offerings of this thread I thank the stars we're not dealing with 900 pound gorillas. Those...
Thank you Kees. Wonderful job. Peter
Hiya, Welcome aboard Jim. Advice on buying a wooden boat? Psychological counseling! What Ken said regarding the bottom and fasteners and...
gibson36, Sorry for not expanding on TSP (tri-sodium-phosphate). It is a cheap degreaser and as mentioned is available at all hardware...
Gibson36, After washing with soap, make ULTRA sure there is NO soap residue left! Any small amount will greatly affect paint adhesion....
Hiya, Try Lauderdale speedometer (I think that's the name). They seemed to have a lot of "stuff". Peter
Ummm....Not sure how I should take that...
Greetings, A new member? I think your response though terse was quite appropriate whereas HIS response was not. I would be confused with the...
Morning all, PD. You raise a valid concern for the "average" yacht owner but keeping in mind that fuel concerns, depending on "mileage" and...
Morning True, I don't know if MY experiences with a 1950 34' CC Commander would be applicable BUT over the course of ownership we did replace...
I'm told this is a webcam of the vessel. Being night, can't tell Pushing the refresh button...
Greetings, Wow thanks Santa Carl and I didn't even ask for a present. Best wishes to all fellow members and BOATERS worldwide. Peter