Quoting the power isn't a complete picture, but it takes into account both torque and rpm. Quoting torque alone completely ignores rpm (and...
:eek: HP is power (kilowatts multiplied by a constant) -> energy per second. It's the most fundamental and important "number" for an engine. For...
You don't lose deck space, see here: http://www.charterworld.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Solar-powered-boat-PlanetSolar.jpg :D
I don't see how the owner loses anything in this situation, so I don't see it as ethically wrong. It would be polite of the captain to ask first...
Was the youtube footage in the OP from a tv station or similar? When I try to view it I get an error saying there have been allegations of...
Thirst for knowledge I suppose...I like to sponge up information, and there are plenty of brains to pick here. They have about the same area of...
Which is the heavier sailing "system"? i.e. comparing only the masts, rigging, sails and other directly associated masses, which would be...
Well I think you should take my post as a whole, and not only isolate a single sentence: I did say at the start I was only speaking for myself ;)...
Thanks for the info guys. So basically as I now understand it a single mast is simpler, and adding a second sail downwind will be less efficient...
Sorry if this is an ignorant question, but I'm just curious: how is the decision for a design made between single and multiple masts? I suppose...
I can't speak for every student/teacher/university, but I'm currently a NA student, and I'd say no, there is no move to truly design in 3D without...
This doesn't sound right...you mean by volume I guess. If you instead compare the materials pound for pound (a more useful comparison), an E...
Here is the Sunseeker 130 for easy comparison: [IMG] I think it looks more like this Sunseeker 115 though: [IMG] It's pretty obvious that...