Looks like a stylized rattlesnake. The head starts the "U" and the "dots" represent sections of the rattle. Perhaps a reference back to the...
This was also just recently discussed (w/photos) with Derecktor's Cakewalk......
Looking for something new and very colorful? Check out Trinity's Sport Yacht Series. Three new designs (50M, 55M and 63 M) with multipage PDFs...
If I increase the resolution to 1280 x 1024, everything looks too small for these eyes. :)
19 inch monitor set @ 1024 x 768
You should check out PAE/Nordhavn's Australasia content at http://www.nordhavn.com/australasia/index.php Since you are looking for pricing...
Reported elsewhere that David Geffen is now full owner of Rising Sun.
Pilotage for Areas of Desired Use Even smaller foreign registered boats have a tough time up here in Washington and Alaska. Canadian vessels get...
Pelagic, You might want to get in touch with Wray West. He and has family ran a Cape Horn 65 for several years. Cape Horns were heavily...
Actually, if you catch a glimpse of the children's programming on Saturday mornings today, we are probably better off being old enough to get the...
Expedition Yacht Fisher Do keep in mind that the āEā in the Nordhavn 75EYF stands for Expedition Yacht Fisher. She is not your typical...
Protector has a new offering on their web site ā the Protector Jet 20 (http://www.protectorboats.com/boats-rec/jet/index.html). It looks to be...
Any chance it is raised and lowered with the boom on the aft mast? It seems to be positioned perfectly. There seems to be additional hardware on...
It was the July/August 2010 issue on pages 44 to 53. The company mentioned is Marine Lightning Protection - http://www.marinelightning.com.
First Hull It looks like Nordhavn has updated the photos of the 120 with the release of the first hull out of the molds. There are six new...
Nice article from the Boston Herald about the lost economic impact of the NZ build. A few highlights...
Something to think about might be Coppercoat. The product info states it is safe for aluminum boats with a proper epoxy primer....
Mariah? There is a 58 foot Hatteras with the name Mariah in the vessel database. Could it be?...
It's not all fluff. Just ask John Edwards and Al Gore!
Not to be a pain, but as this thread keeps growing wouldn't it be better placed into our Yacht Captain section? Moderator?...