3d2d again Ok AMG , will be hard for me to find that out, lets be straight here, the initial sketches will usually come from 2D, but the...
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Down with 2D When will all the traditionalists learn we live in a 3D world that means....... 3D things and we see...
Great idea. Great idea for a Thread, I was always surprised to see some of the Designers, relating to your other thread about world greatest...
Time for a new start Dear all, In a recent holiday to Brazil I experienced the violent crime I have been hearing so much about. at 7am the...
Hi Jos, We discovered we can, of course do hull fairing, the challenge is the different way automotive designers build up a class A surface is...
The next Benetti comming soon to a port near you.
only the french Absolutely LOVE it, look forward to share this story with all my colleauges..
Great Multimedia at last!!!!:D Videos are a very welcome addtion to Yacht forums, Looking forward to more.:)
Oysters I can only say that Oysters are 'seen' as a luxury brand in the UK, as you will no doubt know they produce more Pilot house Sail...
wankel engines As far as I know Cube for Cube Rotary engines have far more torque than Reciprocating engines. Can it be they have torque...
video of Freak wave I have a video of a cruise ship hitting a freak/large wave, originall from the German TV show Spiegle. The video was posted...
Octopus was closer to 300 Euros, I dunno how many USD that was back then but more than 200. AM i Right in thinking this is the yacht that ,...
no wind Thats the clever part, they have a pod beneath the sail and it automatically increases or decreases the sail area depending on the...
Yacht sector Skysails I remeber reading on thier site that they have an order to put it on a yacht in Blohm and Voss, Thinking about it I...
The Island Yes very interesting this boat features quite strongly in the movie, One of the main charachters is a yacht/product designer! As...
Collaboration Regardless if who we talk to the data exchange problem is always there, loss of data quality when exchanging from naval...
Catia V5 OK I guess I'm biased but all the big CAD programs should be able to handle complex surfaces since that is why they exist. I believe...
Amazing The Centaur is really great , combines WIG effect and new hull design, about time someone did this. And to topit all off it is...
Innovation that counts OK I know we got of topic here but if there main idea is to get from the Yacht to the shore as quick as possible then...
Just a suggestion How about a WIG Tender? More robust than a heli, fast as a Sea plane and much more fule efficient to boot. I am a...