Why don't we call it the Architectural style, after all Bannenberg pioneered the use of glued structural glass in this type of design which he...
Boote 2007 HI this 40footer looks great even in the shed , I can't wait to see her on the water. Any chance she will be making an appearance...
Ooops How could I miss that, However I do see a big similarity between the recent New cruise designs and this particular Bannenberg.
IS this the new cruise design? Anybody know if this the recent launch designed by newcruise design of Hamburg?
Smm Yes SMM was huge this year! Did any of you pass by the IBM stand. We piggybacked on the IBM Transportation and Logisitcs stand this year so...
Levels I was thinking of a split level , as you can see the model is very rough the challenge wil be developing it further ;-)
more Well you're right the Dragon is inspired by all things Asian, I am myself half Chinese and was trying to identify what actually makes...
New Conceptual Designs Here are two new conceptual designs inspired by the summers activities. Which one (if any) would you like me to develop...
Bgv Im surprised the BGV was not in here already or did I miss it? Site is in French there is a buttin to Select english on the home page but...
Love the new Company name very positive all round. I also love the Yacht Escort Boat concept, but believe there is room for improvement in the...
Mysterious Swedish One off? Hi All Can anyone tell me more about this Open cruiser? I saw this in Bohulän Sweden, which is an absolutly...
In the UK Naval architects are trained as Engineer Designers and are fully qualified to do Hydrodynamic calculations. Of course people do end up...
New generation of 3D systems JMR is right , CATIA and Unigraphics are the new breed of ship design systems, they originate from very powerful...
Copy Yes a definite copy, the design elements them selves are fairly generic but the way they are all combined is definitely not original....
Well as far as I know anywhere between 2.5 meters total for Korean build container ships, and the cruise ships have about 3m- 3-5m altogether...
My Girlfriend (Illustrator 2D) just corrected me the talent of a designer has nothing to do with the medium they use, 2D or 3D. However,...
Feedback Jos the line art is great, I suggest removing the outline around the wing stations as the shadow/shading effect should make it clear...
Value add Point taken but any good independant designer would see the value for both themselves and thier customers moving to Full 3D, and...
Threesome I would take the huge sum of money and build a stable of 3. WIG based high speed yacht for business trips. Think Wally Power, Loft...
What Designing in 3D really means Hello all, JMR and I have the unique advantage in this discussion that we work with the 2 most advanced 3D...