All very accurate statements. ;)
This is incorrect The M/Y Mi Sueno DID NOT smoke a main engine. The captain was uncomfortable with the wind and current conditions and requested a...
Hope not
hmm not sure but will have to find out what happened.
When was this pic taken?
More likely than not these lights were not factory installed. lights in the area you described are rare. Best bet is to look for an unlabeled...
I just finished a short block replacement on a 400 tiara today 3208 cats. I started it today and did not notice any smoke in the cockpit. Full sea...
All those designs are stunning. Clean layouts and sleek lines seems to be the theme. Have any been built?
I have been on sea trials where the electronics installers have measured the angle of the proposed location at cruise speed to determine the best...
Good information above. As a rule of thumb I have found about a 300F drop across the turbo. Before and after temps excessively lower than that...
i would recommend something more like this.
I voted split it up but not too many sub forums. Follow the old KISS. But the problem I foresee is having to decide where to put a thread if it...
You really want to go fast in style check this out 60 knot cruise speed in 118' of luxury...
A flush of the raw water lines through out the vessel would be a good idea when returning to the dock and the vessel will sit for a while. Oil...
I have dealt with an issue like this before and it took a while to repair due to the intermittent occurrences of the problem. You did not say if...
The media number of the original parts book is SEBF0589. I am not finding it available through the regular channels for download but you may be...