after a 8 d exploded while filling it,,,from then on whenever I checked batteries, I always wore eye protection, wore an old shirt , kept a wet...
I don't care if you use Sear's Weatherbeater......just make sure you have plenty of ventilation...
you mean ''Whink'' ?????
don't forget the spot where the deadhead lurks .....
Except the engineers who designate the measurements for access hatches...
A Travel Lift is your friend !
I don't think he made admiral........He was the head man at a yacht surveying association
Anyone remember Buster Chadwick ??
after looking a the does one get paid to design a boat so impractical ?????
I mentioned older models...... the depreciation is already paid and the lower price will allow as much re-fit as you chose
find a good surveyor..... look at older Hatteras M Y s that spent their time in fresh can not beat Hatteras for practicality ...
owned by Jim Walters of Walter Homes....TICA stands for "this I can't afford''.....unfortunately was on the lift at Spencer's when a cable failed..
Owned by Elmer interesting man. Nixon was a guest often.....he also owned a Cubavich named the Alacita
with every one on board looking for or moving the 2 good pair of glasses , I went and spent $1oo of the bosses money for 5 pair of $20...
why are containers not mandated to have air vents so they sink sooner?
hopefully he used the $$$ to buy a small place in the all he has to worry about is the bugs eating his tomato plants this spring..
the 3rd & 4th Fighting Ladies where Merrits .....#1 & 2 were Andy boats....the first one to move into Bill's Marina was the #2 Andy, a 37 ' .....
Thank God I don't have to worry every hurricane season anymore.......BUT, just what do you think is expected of a full time ''captain'' with a...
a lower helm also allows your ears, nose, and eyes detect trouble. After years on a lower station only boat, I felt disconnected with things...
one thing not mentioned. to really appreciate and admire an old classic is to understand the methods and tools used in those days....hardly...