I have seen tanks in long mothballed naval ships being returned to service that have rust so bad that when sandblasting the tank wall you...
I have Kobelt air shifters and throttles about 45 years old. I've done very little maintenance and had no problems. They can be rebuilt almost...
There are a number of people here that cruise the world with sails, electric motors and solar panels: http://www.cruisersforum.com/ I had a...
I have 1942 steel tanks. If you keep a good conditioner in the fuel and circulate the fuel often, you can keep the water and bugs out of the...
Sand the old paint with coarse paper. On steel hulls with aged paint I use a 40 grit and a thick sanding primer. The deep sanding scratches help...
Wipe it down with acetone, use epoxy resin. Polyester resin doesn't stick well to anything. Even itself. It only bonds together when the previous...
I have a former USCG 83' but with no original equipment. I use 2 Magnum inverters that give me 8kw of 120/240 1p. I can add to 16kw. I had a...
Link to a story on new channels and some changes. Story includes link to USCG list of channels and their use. Mostly commercial changes, but may...
Any steel/cast iron, I use cold galvanizing spray after cleaning rusted areas. Then paint however you want. Big anchors I usually brush because...
In the 70s, I had a commercial salmon and tuna boat. A long way from anywhere, I had a shaft coupling fail and had no shaft movement. The coupling...
There are many boats around that are cheaper with mostly cosmetic issues, but be careful. Mine was one. It sat for 6 years in salt water with...
Many commercial boats use the keel as a cooler. That way anti-rust additives in your coolant will keep the rust out. Maybe that was how it was...
These guys make lots of deck hardware. They have dealers on each US coast. http://www.davey.co.uk/
I would put in a tee and a mechanical gauge and verify the pressure. I'd also like to know the oil temp. Years ago I ran into a similar problem...
Usually getting the Racor full and filling the secondary filter is enough to get a dry DD running. My Racors are below my day tank so gravity will...
I know fuel polishing is the hot new sales pitch. I suppose for people that use their boat mostly at the dock it may not be a completely waste of...
If you have leaks on the suction side, it's easier to suck air than water. So the pump can't pull water because the air pulled into the suction...
Kinda late into this, but without wiring diagram or photos, I would say if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I've owned, operated, and maintained at least dozens of diesel engines. 2 were Volvo. I think Volvo is a lighter duty engine than Cummings and...
Knowing engine and trans would help. Problem is not necessarily in the cable. In a diesel the problem could be the governor not set correctly or...