Cat, The way I read Ken's post is, the NEW as in replacement Captain. Perhaps speed racer is walking the docks? Steve
Interesting, can you say P factor. The precession from that flywheel could do some nasty things. Steve
A coupe of course; roadsters are fun but, I like closed cars for serious driving. By the way my dad had a 450SLC in the mid 1970's. He...
I think a flexible time frame of say a year to three or five is likely a good idea. Yes you may fall in love with cruising and decide to stay on...
I also have aspirations to "live aboard" for a while. I equate it in many ways to RV living, in fact I have been considering that as well. To...
Brian, I don't know if you are aware that the MB Classic center built a few 300SL replica's with M119 V8 engines and all the comforts of a...
Brian, I had a friend who had a Tobacco brown 300SL, you may have seen the print of it with a California plate that read Benz 56. Adolph was...
I agree with your wife, the V85 would be a great boat for the lake. If they can get 100' house boats to the lake a sport yacht that size should...
Reading through some topics like alternative power and the “new” motorsailer have left me wondering about the performance of the modern...
The other thing to consider is the logistic of getting the boat to and in the water. Is the boat roadable to the destination lake? What...
Hi Lars, It has been a while, my lil 300CE is jealous:D I had a Ford Cobra 4.6L 4 valve engine in the 300CE but I never could get the...
It is perhaps not an exotic in most places but it is a timeless classic, she was delivered with a 5.6L V8 and a few years ago had a 6.0L V12...
Storm scope or Strike finder use? Do boats use Storm scopes ie lightning sensing systems? Reading the tales of lightning strikes got me...
Hi All, Any one have insight, details or background on the boat listed for sale here...
I am either not adequately describing the purpose or reasons for the idea. Yes you can install feathering props, add two or three different...
Hi Loren, I was thinking of this for use on cruisers on inland canals and rivers like the Great Loop, New England Loop and maybe sport fishers....
Lars, I am talking about a boat that has two 1000 HP engines not a hardware store full :-) Steve
Hi Lars, This would work just like two engines both props would be be at the same speed so you couldn't do any fancy throttle work but both...
Hi Lars, I have not seen anything to run two shafts from one engine other than DE or hyd aux drives. This is more of a way to use one main...
Hi all, I have been thing about a concept regarding low power operations on twin diesel engines. The topic may seem more suited to the...