Yea, I have consulted with a few guys that have M117 AMG heads. When I worked at Ed Pink we dealt with a number of poor quality castings both...
I have a hard time keeping things "stock" the red SEC behind the wagon has an M-120 V12 in it!
I haven't been on here in ages, the forum sent me a link to this thread. My lil wagon is 2wd BUT, it has a 5.5 M113 kompressor driveline. [img]
Have you checked the point dwell? Steve
I did solo a Cherokee 140 before the D18 but, I fondly recall sitting in my fathers lap at a very young age bending the ole twin Beech around....
I knew Kyle's father Jimmy Franklin; perhaps the BEST airshow performer ever . If you guys are old enough to have been at airshows in the 1970's...
Great video, Nice air work particularly on the bridge:) Steve
Just to be clear, I was NOT advocating using a mis matched coolant, only to point out that any coolant mixture in the proper concentration of a...
The Detroit coolant would not reduce the temps in a normally operating system, you MAY see a few degrees from one coolant to another depending on...
Turbo/macerater pump, That would indeed give new meaning to the phrase, the turbo took a s**T. Personally I think the "electric chair"...
For your nest stripping job; use paint thinner to clean off the stripper instead of water, you won't have the issue with mold. You did a great...
Have you checked for exhaust restrictions in the underwater sections, from your description it is not a single point failure of a particular...
A million hours is over 114 years, continuous running, perhaps 100K hours? Steve
Gee, I don't have a clue huh, I have run major manufacturing plants with European, Asian and American machinery for nearly 25 years. I've had...
I agree that frequency sensitive equipment is an issue with 50/60Hz systems however, AC induction motors are not. Most AC induction motors are...
Old math? I just plain miss typed! The original poster mentioned dual 50/60 hz ratings, these should include the flow specs at each speed....
The difference in wiring for US and European 220~240 VAC is residential systems in the US are center tapped. One 110~120 volt leg is the inverse...
There was a bit about this yacht on the local new tonight; she is moored in the Santa Monica Bay for the night on passage to the San Francisco...
This post has peeked my interest on several levels. First my choice of boats is likely a sail boat of say 50-60'. I have not sailed for many...
The Ermis2 is definitely not a sailboat but; WOW what a yacht!! Oddly enough I really like the speedy express boats and McMullan & Wing built a...