************ has a pretty thorough collection of yachts. You can search by name, and it will give you all the basic details such as length, yard,...
For its purpose, this yacht might actually be successful, because any art displayed here will look far more aesthetically pleasing in comparison...
apparently the first one is called "Grand Luxe". i Guess Seafair is just the company that runs it. Rumor is, there are more on the way.... (one...
I recall what Lars is talking about, and I'm pretty sure that the art gallery yacht he's referring to. The yacht will be called Seafair. And it...
Bond's boats Apparently they used 5 different Sunseekers in the filming of the new Bond, although only two appear in the film. And on top of that...
I always enjoy it when a yacht appears in a movie that I'm watching. Most of my friends barely notice them, while I often find myself...
I understand what everyone is saying about that bow stern combination being a bit unsettling, but aren't most Wally designs a bit unsettling at...
I suppose the owner liked his 120 so much that he decided to upgrade to the 150. Interesting.
http://www.************.com/ysp2_ycard.php?foo=20070802 Not a whole lotta pictures, but some basic info in the vessel, and (moderately) recent...
Here are a few more pictures from Sturgeon Bay when she was just launched.
Expansion gets rolling The expansion of the Palmer Johnson shipyard in Sturgeon Bay is well underway. They are currently working on expanding...
Octopus, where were those pictures taken? I don't recognize it as Sturgeon Bay. Vance
I am looking for some temporary crew work for the next few months. Anything: charter, deliveries, whatever. Very passionate about yachting, eager...
Sea Rays have always been cookie-cutter boats, but i don't know how many people are going to want that cookie...
I am currently a third year Fine Arts student at the University of Southern California and am interested in finding a summer internship in a yacht...
Maybe this is why I've been feeling sick lately?! I must be well overdue for a dose of boating! Good thing I'm sailing to Catalina next weekend!
I just came across a video of Burger's new Marine Travelift launching Mirgab V. They just keep making these things bigger and bigger. The video is...
From time to time I get down to Marina Del Rey from LA and there are occasionally some respectable yachts down there. A few that I remember are...
Thanks Lars! One issue, however, that I have heard again and again, is many customers are discontent with the "coldness" of many yacht desgins....
Lars, I was wondering what computer program you use for your renderings. Also, it seems to me that you begin immediately on the computer without...