Rachelle is a CBI Navi motoryacht. Its naval architect is W. Devries Lentsch Holland.
Is it Aussie Rules?
No new stuff yet?
Here is another photo I found. http://www.steinhagen-modelltechnik.de/bilder/galerie/megayacht_mipos_bei_hdw_1_september_1999.jpg
Here is a photo I found of this yacht. http://web.termstua.com/toroa/bilder/mymipos.jpg
Does anyone have info., photos, etc.
this is why I thought it was 560' http://www.showboats.com/sbi/show_yacht.asp?ID=511
Le120 will be delivered in November.
There is a yacht on showboats called Spirit of Zopilote or zopilote. IT IS 560FT. plus. I heard it sank. Does anyone have more info. of this yacht.
I tried this site 4 times and left. I tried later and still that same message. But, it is working now.
Do you have a link I can see?
Here is a link to photos of Le120/Rising Sun. This link is credited to barh100. http://community.webshots.com/album/123665159cXEWuL/2
Here are some pictures of skat and dannebrog. I did not take photos of le120 yet. http://community.webshots.com/user/capitan_buzo
I heard about a new build that is 150m by HDW. Does anyone have anymore info?
Does anyone have any pictures on this yacht besides barh100s on webshots? Le120 is 138m long and has recently been launched....
Yachtforums, I would like to point out that Octopus is not the largest private yacht in the world anymore, its Le120/Rising Sun is. And...