You're right, they don't. Interestingly the inertia of the masts and wind pressure in the sails when underway 'stabilise' and dampen motions...
We turn the glass and strike the bell.
For me, this would be an ideal exploration yacht in that size ;)...
Ok I understand now. You may be disappointed at the level of dynamic stabilisation achievable in a vessel of your size. Probably helpful in...
As CR so eloquently put it, what would you be hoping to achieve with interceptors that you can't with your currently installed trim tabs?
A few brief observations upon first glance... Fuel economy: The sailing rig adds considerable drag, especially at speeds higher than would be...
You might find it easier/simpler/quicker to retrieve your ground tackle by hand. You will be carrying a very light anchor, probably not much...
Go anywhere? I wouldn't go anywhere at all in that :confused: Please allow me to respectfully disagree with your description, to my eye this...
USVI is also near the top of that list.
Your approach sounds fine and should almost work. From those options I'd choose the 24/24-12 which will supply up to 240W @20V. These converters...
Hard to say for certain but it looks like that bolt failed due to bending/shearing stresses. Bolts and threaded rods are intended for axial loads...
One option is the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, there are openings from apprenticeships to officers. Naval support vessels manned by civilians, it's an...
As there's a current dynarig thread discussing MF's installation, here are a few photos showing some rig details. She's presently lying in Simpson...
Having been involved intimately in the design and construction of one of the variants back in the day, I'd say his summary of the project is...
Nothing would please me more but I fear it would quickly degenerate into a hand-waving, yacht club bar type discussion where each party argues for...
This sounds delightful. I too am an aficionado of traditional vessels, albeit raised on the other side of the Channel. Dutch barges were a common...
Please note that catamarans of this type, i.e. non-racing, do not utilise running backstays. The mast is held up by a 3-stay system at approx 120°...
Were there any questions in particular?
Maybe a good candidate for this thread? ;)
Structurally, that rig actually has quite a bit going for it. Aerodynamically, a few compromises have been made for sail handling but likely not...