Well its understandable that the schedule if out of whack since they had a huge fire damaging one of their soon to be delivered yacht and...
Just saw the interior pictures and loved the interior of this yacht, after our conversation on this thread about Tis adn Anna I
Duh:) Wish I didn't... No wonder the new owner sent her for a refit right after purchasing her, Sam Sorgiovanni seems to be the go to guy for this...
Also can you please send me a link to Jubilee’s interior? I don’t recall seeing it. Thanks
Anna I actually haven’t seen the 110 meter antler yacht interior, but I doubt its less chateauey than the first one. No one gains that much gusto...
You can see a lot of pictures and videos on board DreAMBoat if you check oliver blank’s instagram instagram.com/oliver.blank
My god! I saw the feature on boat international and came here immediately. Tis is not the only one so many yachts are so disconnected from the...