Fun night on the boat. The fighting chair "entertainer" incident: I was thinking that I shouldn't but I actually told my wife this one so I...
My buddies and I rented a house in the Hamptons when I was in my 20's. One of the guys was dating a very high end NYC/world model and she started...
Do you have a thru hull for the supply to the a/c pump?
Yep Pascal, these guys are not using what might be called marine grade connectors. Btw, I always read replies. My phone didn’t refresh the page...
Omg, I didn’t see your replies! Cole, you nailed it! It was the same connection on the other end
Got it. It was a plastic connector with two female receptacles where two phone wires connect (or plug) together (for lack of the proper term) that...
I had three new systems installed two years ago and all has been fine. I ran the salon unit a few days ago then turned it off. When I returned...
Don’t make me commit a felony now....
I had the same issue in FL a few years ago on my 50 sport fish. I bought 4 insect bombs at the Depot, fired one in the forward cabin and quickly...
Happy summer! Let me know if you need help on a cruise in the northeast
Yay, lets go swimming and boating! Sounds like a mess Kevin
Sounds like fun Ralph
watch out everyone! With all the rain over the last two months, the sound is littered with junk. I’ve seen two massive heavy equipment tires, one...
Omg! What a rookie issue. I broke out the blueprints and saw several transformers but then realized everything tied into one line with two gfi...
Been there done that......more times than I can remember. Easier than the 1" wide black aluminum glued on.
Aside of being hit hard, the only thing I can think of is hull flexing in heavy weather or hitting a piling hard which could cause a flex. The...
Unfortunately, that's a replacement. There's no way to repair broken glass aside of sealing it and maybe apply a piece of black aluminum...
Just a thought. Aside of the main salon panel and the panel in the engine room, my 50c has a hard to reach breaker in the engine room where the...
I've used Engineered Yacht Solutions. Not the cheapest, not most expensive but excellent work. I'd use them on any yacht! They are in Ft....
I’m going through the same thing but it’s partial lighting and outlet systems. I’m looking at the wiring diagram to figure out transformer...