AMG, your video shows just a bit more of the beginning than the version I posted. In yours, it's pretty clear that the filming boat steered to... I'm at a loss for words. I'm trying to...
Just off the Greenwich CT coast, the Long Island Sound weather buoy showed 50mph gusts as of 12:00 a.m. this morning. It got a little more intense...
Look closely and you can see two spring lines ripping cleats out of the dock
Don't waste your time elsewhere! Stuart is it! We've had a place for years right on the inlet. Lots of restaurants, sand bar fun and LOTS of...
Simple question. Why is the owner wasting all this time instead of simply making the repairs and being done?
While I can't shed light on the legal aspect, reinstalling two rudders and a shaft shouldn't take more than two days. Giving lot's of wiggle room,...
Trimax! I couldn't remember the name. Yes, he was all about finishing. I remember thinking "what the heck is someone doing with diesels" until I...
1. Buzzi's boat from one of our races in Key West. You can see one of the FB "anti stuff wings" on the bow. 2. A few of his many designs include...
A legend.... Fabio was a great guy who we got to know on the offshore race circuit. A man who thought outside the box, he came up with numerous...
I hear ya Oscarvan! NYboater, thanks. I couldn't make it out, familiar looking hull but I couldn't place it.
From a distance. I don't like to invade privacy. Oh jeeze, what the heck. Photo issues still
OMG, I never put the two together! Small world on YF!! Was the tender built with Lady May or a different manufacturer. I couldn't get a close look
Here I go,,, having photo trouble lol
We get a few big yachts in Greenwich, CT in the summer/fall and I’ve neglected to take photos this year. Here is who’s in town this week, Lady May
Once it gets to the point of rebuilding, I'm wondering who to contact regarding the Bahamian people needing builders? I've been building in FL, CT...
The only negative I can think of is if one was to pack a private boat full of supplies and find somewhere to dock, people will be more and more...
Happy to help relocate Fl yachts that need to be moved prior to Dorian's landfall
It's great when you know you knocked it out of the park but even better getting compliments!
Sorry to derail but I see both sides. I often hear after docking in less than perfect conditions "wow, thank god for bow thrusters huh?". My reply...