Actually, I had black spots two weeks ago and had to clean the wood with a little oxalic acid to clean it, so I have to start from scratch...
Just curious, why a YF publisher nails someone, whatever he/she has done... Just curious why you all, or maybe the most of you, have such an...
Good luck and many happy hours! :)
Try Craigslist!
I love your designs AMG, but I ask myself, why did you mount an anchor outside the bow, and didn't figure out something flush mounted? To me, that... has some manuals [ATTACH]
Thank you, I've already ordered one!
In the winter yes, but if the weather gets better... sometimes overcrowded with inexperienced boat renters... I've been there several times when...
Thnx Bill106, appreciate your confirmation!!
...I know, I'm on an Island... there's always someone in need of something...
Will do Ralph, I just want a confirmation, I have way to much unused stuff in my garage already... :cool:
Yep, we are in a busy area, and as far as I can see, my main GPSMAP 740s display supports AIS, but can't figure out if it works together with...
YF experts, I need some advice! I have my boat in Curacao, and when I'm there (most of the time) I go out at least twice a week, all year...
Great!! I love those pic's too!
I totally agree with Pascal!
Seen on Craigslist...brrrr [ATTACH]
Try to find a handy man on Craigslist, I did that before and worked out fine!!
That guy should not think, but do his job... hopefully you didn't pay him for the wast of time...
Just curious, what about flair gun(s)? [ATTACH] [MEDIA]