Survey Survey it before you buy it and definately 2 or 3 weeks before the end of the first year when a lot of the warranties are about to expire.
Jobs I can not believe an owner would only pay $400 per month, does the minimum wage law of the land not apply to all. Send your stuff to...
zf CaptJ, You may want to try Greg up at Rolly as he has another business selling all kinds of engines and machinery or try Oliver Jones at...
Sea anchor I wonder how you are so certain there was no sea anchor on board. ?. And it is kind of obvious that the HMS Bounty was not a...
Ladder That ladder was in fact the removable back rest from the fish fighting chair that must have been stored on that cushion forward in the...
Sf Azimut & sport fishing, all new to me. ?
escrow can you tell me how you hold an un-cashed check in escrow. :confused:
surveys RT46, I must be missing something here or you do things completely different up north. Very few of our boats are stored on land down here...
Teak Teak will and does get very hot on Bear feet and most SF will keep a wash down hose going to keep it cool and like CaptJ says the blood etc...
Survey RT46, How do you propose doing a full engine survey if you do not sea trial the boat. Even if you did the engine survey prior to...
Yachts Get yourself another (good) broker. The normal practice is to go and look at the boat, if you like it, make an offer and yes a 10%...
Access How many times have we all been to a boat yard with a captain , crew, brokers and surveyors plus clients and then trying to get on and...
Sea rays FYI, they were running out of space up at Merritt island lining up the boats to repair the water intrusion into the sides of their...
Service I do not think rebuilding both Starters or renewing each Alternator is part of the regular 1000 hour service and although renewing all...
Cost Hi CaptJ, Just checked my facts with 3 MAN dealers, $14,900 from one, $16,000 to $20,000 from another and $22,000 from the third for two...
Service The 1000 hour or 2 year service should cost 14 to 17,000 by a MAN dealer and if not already done on your proposed purchase can normally...
Nose A punch in the nose is nothing to what I was promised on another thread. Anyway, I would ask what kind of boat the engines are in as...
Bs I thought that as well, so I phoned my buddy this morning who lives on the Isle of Wight and he laughed at my version, over the years and...
Yachts I remember a story many years ago of a Pakistani gentleman traveling to the south of England to buy a yacht, money no object, so he buys a...
Bar room Sir, You are a boat owner and I am glad for you, I am a professional in the marine business and have been for 42 years which I told...