Lol Reading your post I thought oh here we go again, a typical Captain telling us all how great he is by knowing all the depths around town...
Taxes "Actually" Apples declared income tax was between 24.4% and 25.2% however the taxes they actually paid to the IRS was between 8.2% and...
Bow rails Looks to me that the top rail is one continuous piece especially above the 1st port side stanchion. If so does that mean you open the...
Booms NYCAP123, as the discussion is about fore decks and rails and you obviously being a sail boat Captain, can you explain how the boom would...
Taxes So nothing is said about Apple and the billions of untaxed dollars lying in off shore accounts, I seem to remember Ireland being mentioned...
Freeboard Oh dear Marmot, I can see two or three days of BS postings regarding nautical terms and then the thread being shut down because some...
Cruise I often wonder what Port Everglades and the Port of Miami would look like especially at the weekend with no cruise ships there. Did I...
Steam Yes, nothing like standing on the back side of a Foster Wheeler boiler during soot blowing, fully automatic, yeah, that worked for the...
Space Oh come on Marmot, you would love to be up there in the space station for a trip, no overhead cranes needed to lift out a piston or endless...
Harry I don't think I have met you Ken but I know Harry well, good luck on your new yacht and I am sure Harry will continue what you have been doing.
Fly bridges Predators don't have fly bridges
True Well that a good first step, you have learnt that forward and aft is a direction, now all you have to do is learn which is which. Simple...
Cg Let me explain CaptJ, I am an engineer and we rely on our training and facts. Before agreeing or disagreeing with what you are asking I...
Whoa Amazing, well I will take my hat off to you sir and obviously after 100,000 extensions you have much more knowledge than I will ever have....
Rants Talk about endless rants. What I read was Marmot was correcting the misconception by some that by adding an extension (weight) aft the...
Marmot did not confuse anybody that understands what CG is really about, your earlier post stating it moves forward (away from added weight) and...
Silly Talking of "silly", I have no idea why you can not accept the views of experienced marine personnel or the opinion of a very highly...
Cg I had looked up various web sites to confirm that after 45 years of sailing around on those big steel boxes and plastic tubs I was not...
Banging your head Marmot, Do you think others on here have the capability of reading links or doing there own google search, they don't need...
P---ing into the wind Marmot, You are forgetting about the fat kids, burn a few gallons of fuel and add one, burn a few more and add another...