No idea at this time but where in the canister is it ? Any chance you know someone in this part of the world that works on these. I'm not all that...
Port & Starboard all one system. Only other vessel I ever ran with hydraulic controls was a 1970's Striker. Took some getting used to that one...
Last time I removed mine I never put it back up, and then sold that boat. Just put out fenders and extra line for this boat. I think you too are...
I would not want electric either. Who in Stuart rebuilt ??
Been wondering why all 3 sets of controls (throttle & gears on tower, bridge, & cockpit) feel stiffer then I suspect they should be ? The air... Not been that long since they did all of the aluminum on current boat but still nice and shiny.
Always loved this video. [MEDIA]
1. You'll love the HUGE improvement in ride. 2. Would not be afraid if any soft areas are found in survey. My 1995, 46' had two on the front deck...
The way I would look at it is, "your $$$ your choice." After purchase had all mine sanded & refinished satin.
I had email from Ennis Jr. back in Oct. 2021 and Florida Corporations shows the company as active; His email said they were not building under 62...
Anyone have one of these? I see them on most of the cameras at Broward County intersections. Had one on previous boat but not present one. [ATTACH]
Bertram built a fiberglass box just inside of the side vent with 4" dia. blower. One on each side. Original Jabsco blowers seazed & replaced with...
Sam's Marine, in Ft. Laud. advertises parts for Hatteras & Cabo.
Although not a tender, used to have an 13 ft. jet boat when the kids were growing up. The plus was no prop safety feature but the negative was...
Neighbor bought their 28. Seems very well built but when asking him about my diesel preference his reply was the diesels are very noisy. Maybe...
Doesn't sound like my saga will be of any help to you but. Had to remove built in microwave and then bought a set of crows foot sockets so as not...
Not familiar with your boat but I was thinking when the day arrives a Sawzall would become a friend.
Maybe you can find the Waterfront Times online where I've seen ads for dockage down here.
About 2 years ago I looked into shipping a 46 spt. fish to Fl. from France. $50,000. Scheduling would have also been a problem and then came the...
Been awhile so I suspect you took care of your issue. If not; you can pick up a small antenna adaptor for your hand held to hook it to the ships...