My old captain re did the engine room of a 6 month old 80, after the exhaust fell apart on way home to Bahamas. Just messy soot. It the company...
Whisper wall is a brand that has the track the the vinyl with foam backing is stuffed into. Anyway input is good. 11 kt Hull speed seems easy...
Yes it’s the one at the Palm Beach show. I do look at it a trawler as the intent is to start traveling a bit more long distance. If Hull speed...
I don’t mind slowing down but I’d like to think you could cruise at 12kts at 25-28gph. It might be the bottom or running gear. Bottom was done...
Thanks. The boat is a 92 Paragon.
Thanks for that data. There wasn’t a big vibration, but the water in the bottle on the table in the fly ridge was jiggling pretty good. Hard to...
It was a pre survey test ride. The owner was gracious enough to allow this that and they only pushed it to 2200 rpm which was fine for test ride....
We sea trialed a 90’ boat today and was concerned about the fuel burn performance. Boat has rebuilt c30s w platinum cat warranty through next feb....
Hi folks. I’m leaving Ft Lauderdale and clearing into Chub on Thursday the 8th. Wife and kids are flying into Staniels on Sat the 10th. Our 5...
Just get a skinny captain.
Yeah but turn off the engine and boat stops flooding. Unless maybe underwater exhaust.
I am told boat had a new exhaust system put on right before this trip that let loose. Does that make sense?
As long as it matches. It doesn't look bad now but some paint peeling off factory painted hoses, chips, etc. I was on a few mid 2000s boats at the...
What’s the best approach to repaint 2012 MANs? This is for aesthetics and wanting to have the engine room shine. Is it best to spray? I’ve seen...
If you have equities in a brokerage, many have a pledge asset line product that Is around 2.5% tied to Libor.
Steel boats rust and aluminum boats corrode. Not horribly but enough to screw up a $300k paint job pretty quick. We repainted our hull and had to...
How much better riding is jet tender vs outboard rib! Looking at a small 11’. I’ve owned many RIBs but never one as small as 11’. With a 25hp...
I think you are way off on charter expectations. Not many weekly charters happening in Florida. In Bahamas yes but 70.’ Is very small. Great...
And if you want to go in a cheaper direction, get an iPad with cellular. The cellular includes a GPS chipset so even if you are out of cell range...
What are new lights going for these days installed! I think I have 4-5 lights and don’t seem to be working.