Boom needs to come off along with cylinder to get to problem area. That’s way above my pay grade.
Well I finally found a new JetSki on our summer cruise in Annapolis. They are virtually sold out all across the US. Yesterday we loaded it on top...
I was paying 4 a foot in north palm and in Hilton Head. I had props removed up north that was all out half as much as Mrs Gs. But let me tell...
Is there any special way divers should clean propspeed Props? Or things they shouldn't do?
Kent Narrows is looking a bit skinny and not much in the 92 size. Switched to Cape Charles for tonight to shave off an hour as compared to...
Thanks for input so far. We are running staright from Charleston now and just passed Cape Hatteras. Weather last night was epic... Smooth, great...
Our 2nd Radar (6’ furuno, 2017) isn’t working as of yesterday. It spins. Goes into TX mode but not getting any returns. Any ideas?
Yeah I was just looking at Hyatt in Cambridge which is closest place to parents in Delaware. I barely remember solomons as a kid. Is there a...
I grew up sailing out of Oxford and Cambridge. Definitely want to spend a bunch of days anchored and swimming with the Jellies! Lol. Keep the...
I like the back flushing idea but you would need more pressure than a garden hose I would think. If you were starting from scratch the ac raw...
We are cruising up to Chesapeake Bay in a week or two and looking for suggestions for marinas and anchorages. We will be there two weeks and are...
I can’t believe the price on those arid systems. Yikes.
Looks like some good diy solutions!
Looking for ideas in keep bilges on larger boats dry. We Have 6 bilges W rule 3700. Always 1 - 2” of water which is a bit annoying. I’ve seen...
Freq for that genset should be set to 62.5 w no load.
It is a challenging area to boat. When we first ventured out we were fairly disappointed in the towns / marinas that were close by. I remember...
Same with East Coast Battery out of ft lauderdale. Not sure if they do cable ends like ft lauderdale.
Lauderdale battery will travel but you pay for travel time one way.
And I got a quote for 2700 for remote monitoring of the chillers. But most owners will pay it.
That’s impressive. I’ve spent $5k to get txt alerts on our vessel monitoring system. Agh.