This is typical for yachts from this yard, when they get older. They need much more maintenance and care. The neccessary refit and overhaul...
One of my legal advisors in my business had contact with one of the German Lawyers that were able to free the confiscated Russian Yacht Solandge...
As more and more large Russian owned yachts get detained by western authorities, does any of our members have a reasonable secure overview, which...
One of my Ukrainian employees, that I managed to get out of Odessa lately, was able to call his brother in Odessa yesterday. He confirmed, that...
Good news! The flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet, the 180 meter missile cruiser "Moskwa" has been sunk by the Ukrainians. The missile...
I am flying gliders from the Alexander-Schleicher company since my 13th birthday up to today. Presently I have 2 self launching Schleicher open...
Sorry Fish, these are Jaguars, one double seater and one single seater. Oman never had Tornados. Tornados have variable wing sweep. Love that...
You have click on download symbol with the right mouse button and then click with the left button on the underlined letter below. That will start...
@letsjet No, I am talking of the behaviour of the Oligarchs in person and not their crews. On one occasion, we watched this well known Oligarch...
Mr P. was a KGB officer in the seventies in the Dresden area in Germany. He was raised and trained in the KGB during the cold war and during the...
You can download the high resolution GA and the brochure of Carinthia VII from the Fraser Website. A lot of internal and external pictures....
Her name is Mrs. Heidi Horten, not Norton. I know Heidi personally for more than 40 years and also knew her deceased husband. Mrs. Horten is...
One or the other yard may be. But then they deserve it. They accepted illegal money from offshore accounts and money stolen from their clients...
At the beginning of the conflict, when I canceled all businesses with Russia and closed my offices over there, I also retrieved all of my...
But the next Dilbar will have to be built at Kaliningrad and will look most like this. (Edit: Image resized/reuploaded) I do not believe that...
Pascal, You are correct, not every Russian is bad but all official Russians working and acting outside Russia are system compliant and system...
I am absolutely speechless! Solandge has been released in Hamburg. She did some seatrails today and will leave Hamburg tonight. The German...
You can't blame Luerssen for this below IKEA standards interior. The client asked for it. And what do You expect from someone with no taste, no...
That looks to me like an very old splice awl, which was used to splice coarse canvas to cordage or wire rope. We had those tools during my time as...
On most large yacht contracts, the payment schedule is divided in only 3 or 4, max. 5 steps. By the time the yacht enters the final outfitting, 75...